he always eats plastic containers. it doesn't do anything...just comes out his backside the next day lol. will it hurt him one day? he seems to enjoy it.......
It depends how big a piece and if she chewed it up a lot, you should really go to the vet and get an emergency Xray because plastic does not digest and will cause a blockage. That is very painful and a dog can't tell you they have a tummy ache. Call the vet in the am and just watch her tonight try not to feed her too much either until you talk the vet seriously be very concerned
Whoa!! plastic is carcinogenic. Some of the compounds that make up the plastic containers can be extremely toxic, even for humans. By letting your dog ingest Tupperware, your pretty much allowing your dog to slowly poison him/herself until it dies. Plastic can't be digested or broken down into any form by the stomach, and it can easily get lodge into you dog's intestines, causing obstruction and infection.
Don't know if it'll hurt him I'm afraid but I do know that our two puppies do the same with plastic, it just comes straight out though... Try teaching the drop command, it helps when you've caught them in the act :-) Also, just make sure you put EVERYTHING away or out of his reach so he can't get plastic in the first place e.g. also get metal food bowls etc. A good substitute is to get your dog raw hide shapes that he can chew on, it's got a really similar texture to plastic so he'll enjoy it but it doesn't do any damage to their little bodies, but make sure he has it on a special mat as it leaves white patches all over your carpet, then you can put the mat in the washing machine. If you get into a routine of giving the shapes to him at a particular time of day i.e. when you get home from work so you can supervise him keeping it on the doggy mat, then he'll learn not to chew anything else. Well, hope this helps-good luck!!!
Plastic could be very dangerous to your dog. Shards can get into his stomach and intestines and tear them up. While you've been lucky so far, one of these days you're going to end up with a HUGE vet bill for surgery to repair the damage. Keep the plastic containers out of his reach and give him DOG toys to play with!
Don't let him. He could get really sick or it may end up getting lodged in his stomach/intestines and then you are going to have a HUGE vet bill from the surgery they will have to perform getting it out. Stick with dog food and dog treats. No, it doesn't make a difference that the plastic is soft. Plastic is NOT EDIBLE and should not be eaten by anyone or anything.