Last night my fire alarm went off by itself and we tried really hard to turn it off and ended up having to take the batteries out of it. This happened at like 2am so no one would have played around with it. Also, my sister moved the chair that I took out of my bedroom in front of my bedroom door. She then got angry at me because she said I put it in front of her door when I didn't and we were the only two home. I know it's silly to even believe in my house having a ghost or something in it, but it scares me. It'd be great to get some feedback on what it is and how to stop it :)
We had occasion at work to have one go off, the little lady pulled it down, all the way then it snapped back up. We heard the alarm all over the our building the sprinklers come on and the doors lock off certain sections. That is why it is so serious if you pull one, a lot of men and equipment respond, you hope that they get there in time and that it is not a false alarm or some kid pulling a prank..hank you.If the occasion should arise that you have to do it will do it, it is like breaking the glass on the fire extinguishers, you get it any way you can.thank you again.
I just painted my bathroom. It was orignally pink and I wanted to go chocolate brown. I did a gray latex primer followed by chocolate brown in eggshell finish. Seemed to come out good.