I was making some deep fried shrimp and thought i had turned off the stove when i was done. but i didn't and the pan ought on fire and my heart almost drooped when i saw it. I didn't know what to do so i put it in the sink and turned on the water careful not to get near the flames. but that only made it worst as the flames rose to the roof when it water hit the pan and i started panicking telling everyone to get out the house which was filled with smoke at that point. luckily the house didn't catch on fire. So my question is what to do next time this happens? like to stop the fire without getting burned? and we do not own a fire extinguisher or can afford one so any thing i can do to stop it by my self without the risk of getting burned? PLZ HELP
Yeah actually. It already exists. There's a place that pokes small holes in the ozone layer to send a signal into space for whatever reason. I don't remember why. From the program I watched about it people were complaining because it would actually be possible to turn the signal up, keep it constantly beaming, and the ozone layer would simply be boiled away eventually. And that of course would eventually mean the end of life one earth except for subsurface fungus and marine life that relies on underwater volcanic jets. Besides that, we could also produce massive explosions designed to deposit reflective particles into the atmosphere, and after they surrounded the earth they would block out enough sun to send us into another little ice age like the one around the 1730's to 1810's or so. If we put enough reflective material into the atmosphere, we could start a chain reaction in which the lack of sunlight creates a little ice age, and then the overabundance of ice creates white, reflective surfaces that reflect even more sunlight, and on and on until we're in a real ice age and most everything dies off. EDIT The little ice age was caused by reflective particles released by a volcano. It's eruption was 100 times greater than Mt. Saint Helens when it erupted in 1989. Incidentally, when Mt. Saint Helens blew, it put more pollution into the air than mankind has in his entire existence. So if people think we're going to destroy the environment with a big carbon foot print, they've got their math wrong. Humans account for less than 1% of all the carbon produced. The other 99+% is created by the earth.
I don't think they would have obtained the job without knowing this - due to food and hygiene laws if handling money or food, wearing gloves is essential - particularly if handling food items i.e. making a sandwich, wrap. Imagine in subway someone making a sub without gloves - there would be many a complaint. Although, dont know whether it will go down too well mentioning it, unless your more worried about the food you want to consume or whether u dont want them to close down as they are breaking the law - and it could be a big worry about food decontamination. Hope this helps and good luck xx