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My LG VX 6100's screen broke! USB data cable?

I got upset and threw it. Now the screen won't show anything when it is on. Also the vibrate doesn't work either. If I get a usb data cable and the software, do you think I can get my pictures and contacts off of it? If not, how do you Think I can get them? Their are some important contacts and pictures On there. I know it was irresponisble to throw it.


If it turns on, I think you can. My mom had the same problem. her screen smashed (she left it on the roof of a car, lol) Anyway, I'm pretty sure it's possible. If not, You can go to a local store and they can get you your contacts. Hope I helped! )
Heyy . Ermm iif yuu Gett a simCard Reader And your Contacts are saved on your sim you can get them bak , or if u use ur usb cable u can get your pictures bak xx

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