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my parrot sounds like the smoke detector Please help?

my parrot sounds exactly like the smoke detector but louder and it's getting very anoying.Please Help!


Take it to your local Honda dealer. They'll know how to install it correctly. Good luck.
I have heard of bed-wetting complaints many times, but it usually happens when fast asleep. In your case, as you put it, you'd wake up and like to .. let out a little out .. till you are done. This might just be a behavioural problem, and can be corrected if you consciously decide that no matter how sleepy you are, you will also get up and go to bathroom if you feel like urinating. Try it, and get some professional help if required.
i also have a 5th gen prelude. alarm systems are pretty universal though, example, if it was the best alarm for a prelude, it'll be the best alarm for an eclipse, mustang, etc etc. python brand systems are great. they are the exact same as viper (made by the same company) but cost less than their viper counterparts. they have great 2way systems that are pretty affordable as alarms go

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