I have wall to wall carpets in my apartment. I have placed large rugs on top of the carpet. Without damaging the carpet or the rug, how can I stop them from .wrinkling and moving? Is it caused by static electricity?
Stores sell kind of a rubbery,mat that lays under throw and area rugs. It is made to keep them from moving around and its not sticky so it won't hurt the carpet underneath.
Try by puttting them down and be careful where u walk. We have new carpet and my parents put down these clear coverings over them and they don't move and the carpet is clean. It works even if u stamp ur feet on them.
Call or visit carpet stores and ask for Rug Hold. Sometimes called Rug Grabber. It's an underlayment to prevent rugs from slipping on top of wall to wall carpet. The backing on rugs will not grab on the pile of carpet. Lowes or HomeDepot may carry it.
A grand piano would keep the rug in place. Short of that i'd go with a felt pad or something similar. Remember, as you walk your feet are pushing the rug in the opposite direction that you are trying to go, that is why they are wrinkling up over time. So you can either pin them down under something (piano), put some friction between the rug and carpet (felt pad) or stop walking on them.
Jeff, I had the same problem you have encountered with your carpets and rugs. Rugs walk all over the floor and curl and the corners and edges, causing people to trip. It was either by new or nail them to the floor, so I invented a carpet claw gadget that attaches to the back side of rug on each corner preventing the carpet from moving and curling, eliminating your problem. i have started selling this product to local carpet and rug stores but have waited for an opportunity to expand this idea nationally. If you would like to see the literature or purchase the product with a money back guarantee. If interested e-mail back. D. Carrier