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My smoke detectors are going off for no reason?

recently, my smoke detectors have been going off for no reason. I have 4 that are Carbon Monoxide/smoke and 4 that are just smoke. they are all interconnected through the electrical system. They were all new and installed by an electrician on May 16 2004. I know that they are not picking up Carbon monoxide because the CO alarm sounds different than the smoke alarm. Both types are BRK Electronics Carbon/smoke Model : SC612B and the ones that are standard smoke detectors Model 4120B. All the batteries were recently changed in all 8 units. any help would be appreciated!


Wash them :p lol nah, just wash them and rinse them with vinigar, it wil lget rid of the scent
I had a similar situation with a house that I installed air conditioning in. It seems that this particular unit was being triggered for some strange reason by a rise in air pressure of the room that the smoke detector was in. If you have central air conditioning and you notice it occuring only with the doors closed, you may need to install a transfer grill, return grill, a louvered door or change your smoke detector. Hope that helps.

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