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My USB data cable isn't working?

I have a sidekick and my USB data cable isnt working. I want to transfer files onto my computer. No window pops up. I've checked 'My Computer' for it, but nothing happens. How can I solve this problem?


Check that port with another device to test connectivity, it may be the port. Try another one too, just to be sure. Ultimately, if your USB cable is bad, you'll have to purchase another one to connect to your computer.
You'll probably have to download drivers so your computer can recognize the Sidekick. Check t-mobile's website and look for the latest drivers.
Try these things: 1. reboot your computer with the usb already plugged in 2. reboot with you usb not plugged in, add it after the computer restarts if neither one of these works for you 3. can you try you usb device on another computer? 4. can you try it on your computer with a different interconnection cable? basically you need to find out which is the problem: your computer/usb port OR your usb cable OR your sidekick hope this helps gudluk

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