I thought 1968 was bad..This is 1968 in a Greece,Watts, King fire !!!!
I think you've already got the answer. It's the battery back up, time to change the battery. If the power fails then you still have the alarm working. Good luck
Matter is a collection of forces, with gravity being one of them. It's directly dependent on mass, so maybe it has something to do with the Higgs field. Anyway, like so many things we don't know why it exists, we just know how it behaves.
Gravity is directly connected to the MASS of the object. MASS causes gravity to exist. Earths mass causes us to be pulled toward it at 9.8m/s. Without MASS there is NO gravity, such as in deep empty space, there is no gravity there you are not pulled toward anything because there is no MASS to produce the gravity.
OkFirst think of Matternow think of Forcenow consider a piece of matter and imagine taking it apart down to it basic constituents (the particles that make it up) down to the atoms and further down to the protons and finally to the quarks and electrons. If our hands where small enough we could hold them in our hands as well, so thes particles pass the hold it in your hands matter test and are declared matter, but at this level of tiny things get a little fuzzy..As we take apart matter down to the smallest scales we must pass through levels of structure that are only possible because of forces that hold thes structures together. The proton and electron for example are attracted to each other and that force of attraction is what holds them together in the atom, but what is it really that causes this attraction?.. how does the electron know the proton is there?, and what draws it to the proton?, how does the electron know not to be attracted to the neutron?, The answer is, is that the electron and proton each fill the air with countless millions of other tiny particles that have only the most ephemeral existence, at thes scales the tiny bit energy that it takes for the existence can be created out of nothing, but they must also disappear in the briefest instant because the energy use to create them can only exist for a brief instant, This is similar to how Gravity comes into existence but because it is massless its rage is unlimited and can exist forever.
Einstein's General Theory of Relativity gives us some insight into this question. Note that it is the General Theory which tells us about gravity, not the more familiar (and earlier) Special Theory. What was Special about the Special theory was that it covered only one sprcial case, namely the case of non-accelerating objects. The General Theory covers accelerating frames of reference, too. What Einstein theorised or discovered is that Gravity is how we perceive a distortion of space-time. Mass distorts the universe. This has been confirmed experimentally by the demonstration that when a light-beam passes close to something massive, it bends. Or actually, it isn't that the light bends, exactly. It goes straight on, as always, but through space which is bent or distorted. This effect was first quantitatively confirmed by measuring the positions of stars close to the sun in the sky during total solar eclipses. It is also the basis of a now-familiar deep-space phenomenon, gravitational lensing (look it up). The usual analogy physicists use to make it easier to understand what is going on is the idea of space as a rubber sheet. If you place a bowling ball on the rubber sheet, it will produce, and sit in, a hollow. Drop a small ball onto the sheet, and it will roll downhill towards the bowling ball. That is a little like how mass distorts space-time, and how that space-time produces something which we recognise as the force of gravity.