can we file a law suit aganist, the ins. co.that the apts. were covered by, also our apt. was insp. by fema 3 weeks before the fire, as unhabitat, what do we do?
I'm not sure exactly what happened w/out all the details,like if you got them pierced at a body piercer's or w/a gun, if the piercer did it for you or you did it yourself(I've seen it where piercers will pierce an ear then stretch it a bit right away, although it probably isn't the safest way of doing it,it's probably safer than doing it yourself.).But if you got it done w/a needle,most likely it was probably a 14g needle, if you put in 12g jewelry,it's not the safest thing to do on a new piercing, you'll probably be sore,but if you soak it in warm saltwater,most likely it'll be ok.But keep an eye on it-if it starts to get extremely painful,a lump forms,or it feels hot to the touch,you should probably either call your piercer,or consult with a doctor.But don't take the jewelry out-if it's infected,you don't want the hole to close because any fluid inside won't have anywhere to drain out of.Same if you got it pierced w/a gun-most likely it'd be even more sore since a piercing stud is only about a 20g or 18g,but keep up w/the saltwater soaks keep an eye on it.It's really best to wait at least 6 months or more when you get a piercing to stretch it,you can cause alot more complications damage down the road.
Some fire trucks have a tank for small stuff but for large fires, firefighters Take a plug That is to say they run a hose from a fire plug to the fire truck and then fire hoses are run from the truck(a pumper) to the firemen fighting the fires. They can even drop a hose into a lake or pond or river and pump water from it to the pumper then to the hoses for the firefighters.