It's midnight here and my mom gets woken up by 2 random beeps spaced out from each other. This does not use batteries. It has never done that before. There's no fire. Just beeps twice. Luckily I was awake. We are smokers but this has never happened before and I smoked a big a long time ago. Just outta the blue. They aren't that old either. It's in a condo, and it just has beeped twice.
The hygienist in our office wear pink mask and gloves. They wear nitrile gloves because some patients are allergic to latex. They don't wear gowns because they don't run the risk of having blood spurt out at them. They wear glasses because sometimes while flossing teeth the **** flies out at them. Number 4 makes no sense. Depending on the work they are preforming determines if they need safety glasses or not.
yes b/c most of the time any sort of pressure would set them off ( i WOULDN'T recommened testing this first though)