A friend of mine was sued by Dell credit company. Dell won of course because she was terrified to show up in court. She sent the lawyer for Dell a letter that said 'I know what I owe on this lawsuit. I am able to pay a minimum of $20 per month until this debt is paid.' The debt, if I remember correctly, is somewhere between $5,000-$6,000.1. Does the lawyer for Dell or Dell itself have to accept this offer for payment?2. Can she file this civil suit judgement under a PA bankruptcy?Any advice, would be very helpful.Thanks!
try going to a salon if you can because i can't see ur hair i can't help too much have ur hair done for that night. then while ur there just ask for tips! they're called stylists for a reason lol good luck with ur hair
What orton does isn't even the diamond cutter
By holding them, it keeps their fingers from being out when they slideif the fingers are out, you can break or jam them when you hit the baseso they hold them to keep their hands in a safe ball.
try straighting it and then take medium chunks of your hair one by one and put moose or hairspray on that chunk but when you spray the hairspray on it dont do it close do it far away and then take a curling iron and curl your hair it looks so prettty. maybe its not so simple but its really beautiful on everybody that ive tryd it on. i always do my homegirls hair and her frends. and they always like it. or you can just straighten it and tease it. if you dont know how to tease it then go on youtube and watch videos on people teasing their hair. and if you straighten your hair buy frizeaz by paul mitchell or other brands i suggest that one and put a drop in your hand and rub it around lightly in your hair specially top werever its most fizzy!