I got my pallet expander on Monday and I still talk funny. Will this go away, if so, how long? Will I talk the way I did before I got it? I had a gap between my two front teeth before I got it, will it get bigger, I don't know if it will or not because I have braces too.
Just take it out side sweep it off and power wash it. If there are any thing like oil on it you may try to put something on it to try and absorb some of it out but I'm sure that will be hard. Good Luck!
Pressure wash it and let it sit out in the sun to dry.
Un leaded gas. Then go get a plastic pallet from Home depot
Make a solution of 1 part laundry bleach to 2 parts water. If you have a garden sprayer, use it to spray all sides and edges of the pallet. No sprayer? Brush on solution with a soft bristled brush. Use your garden hose to rinse and let air dry preferably outside and in the sun. This should eliminate any mold or mildew, as well as loose dirt.
use a wood or deck brightener, just as you would for a deck, power wash it, and set it out to dry. It will look good as new, though it will still only be a pallet.