i want to a material which is similar in properties like aluminium which has similar casting properties and easily available.
Aluminum is lousy for casting because it shrinks and tears. However you can add about 2% finely divided steel and get a useable alloy. It is better to use what everybody else uses: pot metal. Any junk yard can provide an endless supply of carburetor bodies which you can melt at fairly low temperatures and get nice strong castings. If you can locate some ancient floppy drives or dot matrix printers you will get a prettier alloy.
It depends on what properties you are interested in. If you want specific answers, you need to ask specific questions. The previous answerers are not very well informed... There are, in fact, many excellent Al based casting alloys. And... cast alloys of brass, pot metal, lead, etc are not very similar to Al (but, again, it depends on specifically what properties you want). Consult your friendly neighborhood metallurgist but think about exactly what characteristics you need to have. The more completely you can define your requirements, the better someone can advise you on the pros and cons of different material selections.