protective coating for inside aluminum tool boxes?
Mix a little bit of vinegar with water. This should take of those spots and it won't hurt your paint job. Than give you car a good wax job.
Yeah U R ThatDispose Of The Poor Lil CreatureGEEZ How
Black is a very good absorber of infra red radiation ie from the sun or an infra red space heater. It's not going to act as a heat sink for your room, as the temperature of the curtain and the room will always tend to equilibrium. There's nowhere for that heat energy to go except remain within the room. In addition, if you do not line the black curtain with a reflective material eg white fabric or aluminum foil on the street side, your black curtain will make the room hotter due to increased solar absorption If you were just referring to the extent to which your decor would be enhanced by leather curtains, probably only in 1976