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Puppy eating under the chair?

Our puppy likes to take a few pieces of food from the kitchen and carry them over to the chairs by the kitchen table, sit down, and eat under there! What's going on? My wife thinks it's a sign of a problem...


They might be scared or probably lack of trust. What you could is encourage them come from under there but at their own pace. Do it with alot of love and compassion. It might even be their favorite place to eat.
I'm not positive, but it kind of sounds like the beginning of a food aggression. Monitor her closesly to make sure that she is capable of eating around other dogs and people.
It is not a problem my dog did it to. Only my dog would take it from the kitchen to the living room. It is just a fade. My sister's dog did it also for a while. No problem
Lots of dogs do that. It's just the way your dog likes to eat. Maybe put the bowl under the chair to save him the trip. No problem.
First all dogs try to take food when they are little. To puppy a chair or a table is a place where they feel safe and that most likely you can't get to them very easily to is normal for a puppy to take food under a chair, table, or anything else that they can get under! I hoped I helped!

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