I was at a crystal gallery and saw a polished piece of quartz that had green bloom looking mineral that grew inside of it. It was as dark as jade but I'm not sure what it was. PLEASE HELP!
its a crystal that griows from minerals and its mostly in watches and clocks and its gawjus and it looks like diamond but you can get many colours. crystakl collecters pize quarts as it is beautifull and intresting--- and did i mention not that expensive? x
quartz crystal is the most abundent mineral in the earths crust, they only come in one colour, and they are very cheap, it would alright in a wedding band but very cheap :/
its a mineral. the most abundant mineral in the Earth's continental crust
A Quartz is a gem stone. Yes, they come in a variety of colors. The price depends on the size of the stone, but they aren't usually that expensive. Personally, I love any Quartz stones, so no, I wouldn't think it was gaudy.