I'm Really Thinking About converting to tampons and from what my friends tell me that the plastic ones are easier but how does the plastic tampons absorb the blood like where does the blood goes..I'm sorry if i'm being disgusting about this :/
First, go to the Center for Young Women's Health website for basic info. Second, read the instructions that come with tampons. Third, you're OK, kid. ;)
The tampon isn't plastic the applicator is (which is used to insert the tampon like a syringe). The tampon will be the only thing left inside which will absorb all the fluids it can (so it's better you alternate with pads to give the area a healthy break).
Plastic tampons are actually referring to the applicator, so a plastic tampon is the same cotton wool type inside to absorb the blood but it is contained in a plastic casing which you use to insert it and then remove the plastic applicator. You can also get cardboard applicators. I'm afraid that plastic works best for some, cardboard for others and so you really need to experiment with both to find which works best for you. Maybe you can borrow a plastic one from a friend to try out first? I actually never made the transition to tampons, I think pads are much more comfortable and I don't like the idea of inserting something like that in my vagina and then walking around all day with it up there. If you wear a tampon, make sure you don't wear it 24hrs a day and consider switching to a pad on very hot days. Tampons can cause toxic shock syndrome, it's rare, but you really don't want it and wearing them constantly or in hot weather increases the probability of this.
difficult issue. browse with yahoo. that will help!