When i drive over speed bumps, especially when i drive it in the morning, there will be a creaking noise from the rear end of the car. it has only done it recently in the last week. I don't notice it when driving over railroad tracks or small bumps as much but mostly over large bumps especially over speed bumps any size. Also I am experiancing some creaking noises in the front when I turn the wheel while driving. Sharp turns as well, in reverse and drive. what could these be??
This is called an acoustic shell. Sound waves from most instruments are not projected forward. They simply travel out in all directions. The shell provides a reflective material to make sure that as much sound as possible reaches the audience. The hardness of the material also ensures that the sound will remain crisp. If there were, for example, curtains behind the performers instead of a shell, lots of sound will get lost in the fabric and it could become slightly muddy too. So the shell projects sound while ensuring that it remains pure as well. And the reason for the joints in it is simply so that it is easier to move around or adjust to the size and shape that is required for a specific performance.
If you are fighting it yourself always disconnect power first, then use a water fog/spray to put the fire out. Once the power is disconnected all that is burning is the plastic which leaves an ash so it is a class A fire after the power is off. If the power is still on it is a class C or electrical fire. Water is a last resort for electrical fires though, use proper extinguishers or smothering devices first, regular blankets are a bad idea you may well set them on fire then spread the fire further, if you have one use a fire blanket but most people don't have them as they are not common here in the states. Technically in todays age call 911 then do the above steps.
though what you wrote is confusing follow the format of IF ..THEN. so for example: IF we use a blue cellophane covering the bulb of the lamp that faces the plant, THEN the rate of photosynthesis in the plant will decrease.