what are resins?how is it composed ecc ecc. thanks
Black foam rubber would do what you want. Since it is black, it absorbs visible light. Since it is an insulator, it stops the radiation of heat. Foam padding is used for its acoustic absorbance as well. Just about any product would help cover you. If you want to find the best product then you need to do some experiments on the products available since the foam cell size and kind of rubber will make a difference to ultrasonic waves and may be specific to the wavelength you have in mind. As to the heat signature, you need to verify that it does not reflect infra-red but continues to look black under a heat lamp, which it probably will because the pigments that look black generally have wide absorbancy spectrums. You might get better performance if you laminate the inside with a reflective metalized plastic. The problem with covering a heat signature is that it will always be partial since your breath is hot. Anything you wear will eventually come to an equilibrium temperature with your body heat that is higher than the air temperature; this means that you must keep it cool somehow and put it on just before you want to become hidden.
Lightning visible discharge of electrical energy when a part of the surroundings acquires ample electrical cost to overcome the resistance of the air. For the period of a thunderstorm, lightning flashes can occur inside clouds, between clouds, between clouds and air, or from clouds to the bottom. Lightning is mainly associated with cumulonimbus clouds (thunderclouds) but in addition occurs in nimbostratus clouds, in snowstorms and dust storms, and typically within the dirt and gases emitted by means of a volcano. A common lightning flash involves a abilities difference between cloud and floor of a couple of hundred million volts. Temperatures within the lightning channel are on the order of 30,000 k (50,000 °F). A cloud-to-ground flash includes at the least two strokes: a faded chief stroke that strikes the ground and a extremely luminous return stroke. The chief stroke reaches the ground in about 20 milliseconds; the return stroke reaches the cloud in about 70 microseconds. The thunder associated with lightning is prompted by rapid heating of air along the length of the lightning channel. The heated air expands at supersonic speeds. The shock wave decays within a metre or two into a sound wave, which, modified by way of the intervening air and topography, produces a series of rumbles and claps. See additionally thunderstorm. reproduction; 2005 Encyclop?dia Britannica, Inc. pedia English - The Free Encyclopedia Lightning For other uses, see Lightning (disambiguation). Lightning is an atmospheric discharge of electricity, traditionally, but not continually, during a rain storm.