I wanna know from the people who know about lifting what reverse grip targets more off. People have told me triceps but I know that is if you have a close grip of about 12 inches. But what about wide grip reverse bench press. Does it target more triceps or chest? Also what are the pros and cons between the two grips? Thank u so much for ur time.
if you put your hands really close together, then you work your inner pecs the further you go out you work more triceps, and in the middle is a little bit of both
Here is a list of each muscle group and the best movements to do for each. Ensure that these are included in your program - and that you are lifting within the 5-8 rep range with max effort and you will be sure to start seeing good muscle growth. Note though that you are to only choose one or two exercises for each muscle group as doing more than that will be too much volume for most people and overtraining could set in. Quads -squats, lunges, split-squat, deadlift (with knees bent) Hamstrings -romainian deadlift, one legged deadlift, deadlift with feet placed upon a 2-3 block (toes should be on the block with the heel still on the floor) Chest -regular bench press, closed grip bench press, include bench press, decline bench press Back -bent over row, horizontal row, close grip row, reverse grip row, pull-ups, lat pull-down Shoulders -military press, dumbbell shoulder press, behind the neck barbell press Abs -hanging leg raise, plank while balancing arms or feet on a medicine ball, leg raises (ensure the back is kept flat on the floor at all times)
A wide, reverse grip will work more of the lower pec region, along with the triceps, simply because of the bar placement. You need to move the bar further down your torso to get the full range of motion, so the lower pec comes into play. If your having trouble with lower developement, then I would suggest decline bench press for this, mostly for safety reasons, as the reverse grip is essentialy a suicide grip, and extreamly unsafe!