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Rune Factory Question?

hi i've been playin rune factory for just over a week and i have a question A)where's the best place to get iron(NOT SCRAP IRON)B)does the level of your vegetables drop down if you dont water them???


Wasteful spending? That's just stupidThe entire U.Sspace budget is a tiny fraction of the total government budgetWhy not cancel a few weapons systems that have overrun their budgets for years and redirect those funds into space? Or take the money Americans spend every year on beer, or makeup, or cable to watch American Idol and use it for space explorationPeople that come here and rant about how much money is 'wasted' with NASA, JPL, etcclearly have no idea what they're talking about How does space exploration improve lives? Here are a few examples: - Weather satellites - how many people have been saved from hurricanes by better forecasting? - Earth studies - space is a great place to explore Earth, to monitor the health of our planet, and compare it other planetsCan we prevent Earth becoming like Venus, for example? Will it be possible to mine the moon someday? - Biomedical research - Ever need a CAT scan? Can insulin be made cheaper in low-Earth orbit? The medical research and benefits of the space program are amazing- Computers - Never mind Moore's law and the fact that the space program always needs computers that are smaller and faster, how many of the people who are in the computer or technology field were inspired by the space program? Without them would we still be using large floppy drives? - Employment - All this 'wasted' money is going to provide many Americans with jobsWhole communities in Florida, Alabama, Texas, California and elsewhere depend on the space program for their economic well-beingGo tell them what a 'waste' the minuscule spending levels of the space program areAnd that's just scratching the surfaceI don't care if you pick this as a 'best' answer or not, but your attitude towards one of the few areas of our government that actually produces more than it consumes is appallingly backwards and totally off the markIf I had my way, I'd double their entire budget across the boardAnd we'd still be ahead in gains.
Thats like asking scientists 50 years ago why they were putting so much effort into computers.no one could have predicted then what we have now in terms of computer technologysimilarly, while space exploration may or may not pay off, it is too early to just stop exploring it.imagine if in 50 or 100 years people can actually live on another planet OR we can find a better way of harnessing the suns energy to make clean electricity it may feel like there is a lot of money and resources wasted on it, but i think if you followed the progress that is being made, you would not be so skeptical
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, do you? First off, NASA uses much less funding than any other major government organizationTheir request for $17 billion could fund projects for the next ten years, where we could begin to colonize other planets and find valuable resources simply not available on EarthThese new resources could be used in virtually every aspect of science to help people's lives, from medicine to chemistry, even in things like botanyAnd i WILL say that the technology will eventually become available to the average person at less cost than a private research facilityHad NASA not been created, you wouldn't have satellite TV, satellite radio, GPS, google maps, or any other of the many technologies that rely on the orbital satellite, which was designed by NASAAnd this technology is so reliable that the original GPS tracking satellites put into space under the Kennedy administration are STILL in orbit over 50 years laterAs for redundant and wasteful spending? That's just purely incorrectNASA uses computer simulation and synthesis to make sure that when they do finally construct the physical product, it will be fully reliableFor every $1 the federal government spends on NASA, it spends $98 on social programsIn other words, if we cut spending on social programs by a mere one percent, we could very nearly double NASA’s budgetThe reason there aren't results currently in the space program, is because they lack sufficient funding to create anything physicalThere are countless designs for a myriad of space technology, but because the people are too short-sighted, they think that NASA is useless.
to answer your 2 questions1Almost everything you use today has been developed for the space programYour computer was designed for the military and for the space program, the microwave you use to eat your popcorn, your cell phone, when you look at google earth to see where something is, when you get your weather forcasts to see if it is going to be stormy or clear (think how bad hurricane katrina would have been w/out weather satelights and no warning)Airbags in your cars, all of the current medical equipment used in hospitals came out of spin off from the space programTeflon in your cooking pans, and your great new running shoes come from designs for the NASA astronauts bootsThe development of space has paid back the world about 10X the amount of money put into itYour second question, I do not believe that the space program should be in ANY governments controlBy having the government in charge of the space program it causes higher costs, and a much more exclusive areaI believe that space development needs to be opened to private companies, and then to let the free market determine prices and let innovation lead the way.

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