How to Season A Cast Iron Skillet?
Unless you have a skillet you found at a yard sale or inherited, seasoning it probably won't do much. Old cast iron had a very much less perfect surface that that cast today, so the tiny cracks in it would readily suck up oils that you heated in it, which then formed a wonderful non-stick surface after cooling. You need never scrub such a pan, they will just wipe clean with a hot soapy cloth. If you HAVE an old pan that some idiot has scrubbed the seasoning off of, just smear the surface of the whole pan with olive oil, and bake the pan in a hot oven for 15-20 minutes. Allow it to cool, and repeat the process.
Take a paper towel and saturate it with vegetable oil. Put it in a slow oven (300 degrees or less) for an hour or so. Take it out and let it cool, then wipe out any excess oil with a soft, dry cloth and let it dry. The main thing about cast iron is that you can NOT put it in the dishwasher, and when you wash it by hand, you shouldn't use soap or detergent of any kind. Wash it in hot water and use a sponge or wash cloth. If you place it in the dishwasher or use soap, it'll rust and you'll ruin your seasoned pan. :(
Season Cast Iron Skillet Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lower both oven racks to bottom positions-line lower rack with foil to catch drippings. Wash skillet inside and out with mild detergent using a stiff brush. Rince and towel dry. Spread a thin coat of melted solid shortening all over skillet including handle (both inside and outside). Place skillet on top rack. Bake for 1 hour. Turn oven off and leave skillet in oven until cool. Do not store lids on pots to all air curculation. Do not wash skillet with soap or you will need to re-season. Hope this helps.