How do you connect sofa so that they can occupy the corners?how can you form an L-shape or a U-shape sofa?
hey whats up well you see when you have a item that your dragging there will be yellow marks around the item and you see that if you put that item next to the other item and it turns red that means its to close together or theres not enough room for it. to make a l shape or a u-shape sofa you have to get what you need and then just put the sofa next to the other put somethings you cant make out as the way you wanted it. just try the small things first. Put that game you really cant put things the way you wanted it, i know it sucks but its a great game and i hope that there will me another one that will be on the xbox or the playstation 3. but just have fun man good luck
Otherwise you can you can make L shaped sofas from connecting two sofas using the moveobjects on cheat. Sims will not be able to sit on them properly but will instead look as though they are sitting on top of each other, but the furniture looks nice in screenshots.