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Slitting machine; batten; place

Slitting machine; batten; place


Metal slitting machine is allowed to play a control box door, slitting machine and the body or head, hands, to come into contact with the driving part; visual operation may not be the head on the material and the roller too close; shall not in any part of the body by a machine; at the same time metal slitting machine in the process of operation shall not by hand. Touch roller;
The fixed position of the metal slitting machine when feeding trolley material should pay attention to the coordination and discharge power, prevent raw off injured foot. At the same time to ensure the position of the metal material in the uncoiler must be accurate.
Make sure that the metal slitting machine production line connecting line is correct, is to give the metal slitting machine electricity, electricity will not free after the electric door opened, and a hand to touch the electrical files to prevent electric shock hurts, and when the operator of the machine in the operation of metal to concentrate.
We must first ensure that the metal slitting machine test machine operator familiar with the operation process, and in strict accordance with the operation, and has the qualification. This includes the operator itself can not stay long hair, wearing a glove machine, clothes to the cuff tightly (handling tool except) is to ensure the operator is divided. A machine in the operation of metal safety.
When feeding should pay attention to the unloading arm pulley to kill, to prevent the unloading arm and the winding shaft from the material off injured foot.

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