We don't know if it is the smoke detector or the security alarm. We have a security alarm that will alert burglary, fire and carbon monoxide. Anyway if something is wrong it is a constant blaring alarm, but every 5-10 minutes we hear 3 beeps, a short 5 second pause than 3 more beeps. This repeats every 5-10 minutes. And sometimes there is a single chirp between the beeps. There is no danger, or anything. We replaced the batteries in the smoke detector but it still beeps. We are getting really fed up with this beeping, anyone know what it is?
Unless you are quite close to the detector, I doubt a cigarette is going to set one off.
Any mirrored surface will do. There are metalized coated mylar films which can be used in windows or cars to reflect heat back out, and they are very light