We had the last of the HVAC system installed, with the final ducts and registers going into place. Unfortunately, there was a bit of confusion and/or forgetfulness on the part of the workers and they placed a vent blowing out right across a hard-wired smoke detector.Not surprisingly, they don't think that it is an issue, but I'm a little worried about the effectiveness of the smoke detector with heating/cooling blowing in the immediate vicinity.Does anyone know if this is really an issue?
Its a large problem that needs every-ones help. Too many think that it can be solved by some smart person. But this time its such a big issue that we all have to do our part. I use public transit now, changed all the light bulbs to efficient bulbs, unplug all chargers, have a 8 gallon tank toilet ( was 22) .I live in a 19 story high rise, everyone throws out the thrash down a chute, plastics, glass in another bin, newspaper other bin. I Stopped Don't purchasing plastic bottled water. Have my own reusable / washable bottle filled with my own filtered water. One person cannot stop it we all created this mess. A bump in the road? Living under a rock ?
Those are onesie extenders. Again, you shouldn't have a problem with these.
when my daughter was 5 months old she was off the size chart. seriously. she was too big to go backwards and my pediatrician actually instructed me to turn her seat around. we had no other choice. she is now 2 years old and wearing a 6-7 girls. you can go to walmart and get a size 3t romper for girls. no feet and it snaps up the crotch. i had to improvise with mine too.