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So would you live in a silo home like this?

I like this But what do you think of this short video


I'd definitely live in it; seriously, I wonder what it would be like to combine two or three to make a complete home.
I actually want a small house a silo is a bit too big for me, but kudos to that guy.
I love it's adorable, I hated the decor but the whole concept is cute. I love the shipping container houses.. I watched a show about a particular one, but gave you a link to something about some other ones that are very cool.
I find odd home conversions interesting. The silo looks like it'd be kind of cool to live in.
this RULES. Awesome idea. Cool video. Really down-to-earth guy, too. I really admire people like that, and their values. I wish I were more like them.

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