I have a 2001 Chevy Camaro V6 with stock 6 speakers. All of them don't work except for the front left driver speaker. The hatch speakers are completely out and the sail speakers have a really really low volume. I tried replacing the stock sail speakers with new Pioneer speakers but they're still just playing at a really low volume with like no treble. Any ideas? Could it be a wiring problem?
Ive Had the speaker terminal on the back of the radio rusted not sure how but it did
yes its all aftermarket or all factory you can't miss match the equipment.you must have a factory amp some were and this is your problem start from scratch with a good aftermarket stereo and 4 good aftermarket speakers and use the internal amplifier in your new stereo to power the speakers by passing any factory equipment. you can use the same power supply under the dash to the stereo but run your own speaker wire from the rear of the stereo to each speaker.this will give you some good clean sound.if you plan on adding your own external amps later make sure your new stereo is set up with all the plug ins needed to run an external amp for speakers and sub outs for running an external amp for your sub or subs,this can be added at a later date but at least you will have the right stereo in place to do the job.