watch polar bears falling from the sky,arm shake and turn bright red when eating dirt,can count potato, nostrils whispering to him ,always ask if elephants have 3 balls,chase some pineapples,mouth full of drop-kicking astronauts,can kill a goat by just staring at it,likes to put a sock in a toaster,eat forbidden fire-hydrants,can X-ray through peanut butterwhich one?
we have a smoke detector (it doesn't have a brand name or anything, and was in the apartment when we moved in) that is on the ceiling outside our bathroom doorif we take a hot shower with the door open, or even open the door AFTER the shower is over, the detect will beep once every few minutes until the steam dissipatesit sounds more like the low battery beep though, not a constant beep like it does when there is smokeif you submerged a smoke detector in water it would stop working as soon as the battery was submergedit would cause the whole device to short out, and it may beep for a few moments after being submerged but it would just as quickly cease to functionI am curious why you would want to put one under water?
The biggest is the amount of energy used to mine and process the raw materials into glass. (this is why recycling glass is so important.) The next is the application and type of reflective material. Many mirrors contain lead and or mercury.