For Christmas I got a T-Mobile Sidekick Id cell phone. Is it possible for me to transfer my Sprint Samsung Rant Sim card into my T-Mobile sidekick?
As stated before, Verizon and sprint are CDMA vendors and are in step with different technologies from the GSM vendors like t-cellular. they don't use sim enjoying cards and does not also have a place to place one. What telephone is it in any case? i'm unable to think of of any element extremely warm popping out for sprint or Verizon that the two hasn't already hit between the GSM vendors or quickly will. The CDMA vendors are notorius for having fairly out dated telephones. a super variety of the better cellular makers concentration on GSM because of the fact thats what the the remainder of the international makes use of. they might positioned out a CDMA telephone here or there yet by way of that element you may desire to of already gotten the remote places version for between the GSM vendors and its many times a extra perfect telephone in any case.
it wouldnt be possible since sprint runs on a cdma network and t-mobile on a gsm. in other words, sprint don't use sim cards. unless you have a world phone but even at that it won't be guarenteed to work 100%. you would need to either use it with t-mobile or get it unlock so you could also use it with att.
Sprint doesnt use sim cards. They use CDMA networking ( no sim cards) TMobile and atT use sim cards. Plus sprint wont activate a nonsprint branded phone. The phone has to be from sprint