Surface painting of hand engraved copperplate painting
A true copy of a work of art is a reproduction made by the original owner of a work of art.Since the owner of the original is the real copyright owner, the copyright of the genuine copy is protected worldwide. Any unauthorized manufacture and sale is against the law.
At the same time, the special photographic and printing techniques employed by the true copy maker guarantee the most accurate reduction of the rich pigment color of the original, and it can more faithfully reflect all the nuances of the original. Ordinary photography and traditional printing techniques result in different levels of color difference in reproductions. Therefore, the fidelity of the true copy to the original is beyond the reach of other printed matter.
The real version of all replicas replication samples are provided by the owner of the original, rather than any even after two times of multiple copies of the samples, so it has the advantage of collecting version copy makers more accurate original material.
From a professional point of view, the true copy is the most faithful copy of the original and is infinitely close to the original.