i have photo's on my memory card inside my camera, i can view these on the camera but when i try to connect the camera to the computer it doesn't work, if i take the memory card out, the camera then works when connected. i tryed the memory card in the computer in my memory card slot but nothing happends but i have tryed another memory card and it works, the card also doesn't work in the photo shop machines but there are pictures on there that i can still view and want.also i can not tranfer the pictures from the memory card onto the cameras memory as there is no option for that, any ideas?
There's only two that come to mind. Have you tried a USB card reader? Windows will see a reader as a drive so you just copy / paste into the folder of your choice. I had a problem with my lap top card slot - it quit working almost immediately. That said if that doesn't work there is something wrong with the card - who knows what? These things are easily corrupted and when that happens they're toast. After exhausting all the options on where to read your card I'd say it's done. One more thought, you may try Walgreens, CVS, Wal Mart, to see if they're machines can read your photos. If so get them put on a disc and throw this card away.
removing the loose plastic partition could be best counseled, yet on condition which you have something in the cardboard to take out. The partition is to circumvent the contacts from touching one yet another and shorting one yet another out and destroying the two the cardboard reader and the cardboard. on condition that SD enjoying cards are starting to be very inexpensive in recent times, that's best counseled to get a clean card when you have each little thing out of the broken SD card.