Ask the industry to explain the professional, thank you! Daughter do not want wood flooring want bamboo flooring. More
Advantages: bamboo board flooring outstanding advantages are Dongnuanxialiang. Bamboo because of low thermal conductivity, their own cool and heat. Particularly suitable for pavement in the living room, bedroom, gym, study, studio, hotel and other ground and wall decoration. Small color is a major feature of bamboo flooring. According to the color division, bamboo flooring can be divided into two kinds, one is natural color, color is smaller than the wood floor, with rich bamboo pattern, and color symmetry; natural color can be divided into character and carbonized color, , The most basic use of bamboo color, bright and bright; carbonized color and elegant, in fact, made of bamboo baking, in the dignified calm still visible clear bamboo. Second, the artificial paint color, paint can be deployed into a variety of colors, but the bamboo pattern has been less obvious; bamboo floor surface treatment mostly varnish, bright paint, matt paint and wear-resistant paint. Disadvantages: stability, bamboo floor shrinkage and expansion than solid wood flooring. But in the actual durability of bamboo flooring shortcomings are also obvious, first, by the impact of sun and wet prone to stratification, and in the southern region, bamboo flooring easy bark beetles, affecting the life of the floor.
Advantages of bamboo flooring 1. Bamboo flooring high density, good toughness, strength, strong and durable, not easy to deformation, smooth texture, soft color, elegant and generous, is environmentally friendly green products. 2. Molded, mothproof, flame retardant, anti-static, no side effects and easy installation, is recognized as a new century decorative materials. 3. Bamboo texture beautiful, elegant color, soft and warm, fragrant smell, can absorb ultraviolet light, the human visual useful 4. Bamboo flooring Dongnuanxialiang, can automatically adjust and maintain the temperature, its own cool and heat, low thermal conductivity, long time to live, can reduce rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, heart disease. Bamboo flooring shortcomings please refer to: care over the pole Gorga poke Gong pull.
Advantages of bamboo flooring 1. Bamboo flooring high density, good toughness, strength, strong and durable, not easy to deformation, smooth texture, soft color, elegant and generous, is environmentally friendly green products. 2. Molded, mothproof, flame retardant, anti-static, no side effects and easy installation, is recognized as a new century decorative materials. 3. Bamboo texture beautiful, elegant color, soft and warm, fragrant smell, can absorb ultraviolet light, the human visual useful 4. Bamboo flooring Dongnuanxialiang, can automatically adjust and maintain the temperature, its own cool and heat, low thermal conductivity, long time to live, can reduce rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, heart disease. Bamboo flooring shortcomings please care over the pole Gorga poke Gong pull