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the chemical structure of thermoplastic polymer?

the chemical structure of thermoplastic polymer?


before going too crazy with turning up the boost your friend may want to consider replacing the head bolts with a stud kit from ARP. cranking up the boost and end up blowing out the head gasket. you can upgrade to a bigger turbo or get a programmer to change the boost pressure. if you increase the boost very much you're also gonna need to increase the fuel but take the first line of this answer seriously or your gonna be sitting on the side of the road with a blown head gasket or 2
If you did a System RECOVERY (which gets done from the boot screen and a CD or the Recovery Partition) and not a System RESTORE (which gets done using Windows files), there's a good chance those files are now assigned to a different user ID, even though you may have used the same user name when you ran the Recovery. It's a Windows thing. To fix it in Windows XP, you have to go into Safe Mode, then (assuming your new user name has Administrator privileges), take ownership of the files with a little-known procedure. Windows Vista should not require Safe Mode. Here goes. To get into Safe Mode: 1.Log out and reboot your machine. 2.When the machine starts the reboot sequence, press the F8 key repeatedly. 3.Select Safe Mode from the resulting menu. 4.When the login screen comes up, log in with your NEW user name. 5.The machine will continue booting, but the Windows desktop will look different. Now to take ownership of your files. I suggest you try this on a non-critical file first, then reboot into normal mode and see if it worked. I haven't done this in several years, and my instructions may not be 100% correct. 1.Open Windows Explorer and find a file you want to take ownership of. 2.Right-click on the file and select Properties. 3.Click the Security tab (Note: apparently it's not there in Windows XP Normal Mode for security reasons). 4.Click the Advanced button. 5.Click the Owner tab. 6.Click your username. 7.Click OK or Apply. That should do it for that file. Again, I suggest you reboot normally and see if this worked. You may be able to select the parent directory of a file or group of files and have this take effect on them all, but I wouldn't do that until you're sure the rest of the procedure works. Good luck.

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