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The electric kettle temperature control switch is broken. How can I fix it?Can't fix it!

The electric kettle temperature control switch is broken. How can I fix it?Can't fix it!


After heating, the indicator light does not turn onThe fault is often caused by power supply without adding electric heating tube circuit. When overhaul resistance of R * 10 with a multimeter measuring gear base power line 3 core plug L and N ends. Normally, without pressing the reset switch when the resistance is infinite, press the button when the 1500W electric kettle corresponding resistance is 32 ohm. If you press the button for resistance with heating of the tube can be measured. This circuit not pot body 3 core plug N, L resistance, the normal value above. If measured normal results, show that the fault in the base part, should check the power line and the base socket connection is broken or poor contact, a simple structure in general, can quickly find the fault.If the measured resistance is infinite, the fault in the circuit inside the pot body, should open the handle cover components such as maintenance. Focus on the power supply (reset) switch and switch insulation. Multimeter R * 1 gear check switch action and contact on-off case is good. If it is found that the adverse action, the bending angle can be checked a temperature sensing piece of switch and the connecting rod position is normal, otherwise should carry on correction; if the switch action is normal and the contacts are not connected, indicating switch reed or contact damage, can open the switch box cleaning and maintenance.If the power switch is normal, then the fault occurred in the insulation switch. First look at the bimetal if the reed pressure switch contact rod (Bai Sugan), if the pressure is too tight, it can clamp the bent upward, until the distance between the 0.1mm so far. If the spacing of the bimetal sheet and switch contact rod should be normal. Open the switch box, cleaning and maintenance insulation switch springs and contacts.
No electricity during dry burningThe water in the kettle boil dry or empty pot is energized after a period of time is automatically cut off, is caused by the failure of insulation switch. You can check whether the double sheet metal deformation or loose. If the deformation, available clamp recalibration interval double metal sheet and the switch contact rod should be 0.1mm. if loose, tighten the fixing screws can be as long as.
Water does not turn off after boilingThe main switch is reset. Failure is a common cause of serious deformation or a temperature sensing piece connecting rod action. Switch blocked the former, re bending angle of convex sense temperature, which push the switch rod action is normal; the latter need to find the blocked parts or foreign body, generally as long as the removal of foreign bodies and position correction to return to normal.
After heating, the heater is not heated, but the indicator light is onThe light, that the power has been added to the indicator light circuit, fault in electric heating tube or the connecting part, common electric heating tube damage and bad contact. Remove the electric heating tube, measure the resistance can be determined. The electrothermal tube is damaged, the general can only be replaced. Contact reed mainly due to severe corrosion bad power plug in components or deformation. Can open the switch box cleaning and maintenance, the best new damage serious.

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