The subtractive color printing ink is going on?
The use of color ink printing principle is subtractive,), refers to the yellow, magenta and cyan three original pigment (such as pigment, ink color) method of subtractive color mixing principle.From computer graphic design, or packaging design, RGB to printed CMYK
The general scan pattern is RGB, and the image taken with digital camera is also RGB mode. The pictures downloaded from the Internet are mostly RGB color patterns. If you want to print, you must color separation, divided into yellow, magenta, green and black four colors, this is the printing requirements. If the image color pattern is RGB or Lab, the output may have only the K version of the dot, that is, when RIP explains, only the color information of the image is interpreted as gray.
Printing colors are made up of different percentages of C, M, Y and K, so it is more reasonable to call it a mixed color. C, M, Y, and K are commonly used printing four primary colors.