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The traffic in the dark reflective spike indicating what

In the dark reflective spike indicating traffic is what? Do you have pictures? Please explain the details of prawns


Spike installation General epoxy resin installation. There are a lot of spike classification. According to the material can be divided into: two, the plastic, aluminum spike; spike; three, four lane, glass ceramic spike; nail; five, reflective spike (21 beads beads and 43 beads, can be incorporated into aluminum and plastic spike inside) according to the function can be divided into: a common spike two, solar spike; three tunnel cable four, wireless spike spike. According to the number of reflective surfaces can be divided into: single and double sided spike spike. In no special circumstances, reflective spike refers to the common spike.
It is a kind of traffic safety facility. Group to be installed in the middle of the road reticule middle or double yellow line, through the retroreflective performance to remind the driver by lane. Spike size is usually 100mm*100mm*20mm, the highest height of not more than 25mm. There are many reflectors, reflectors, reflective beads, LED light, reflective film and so on.
English Name: road stud, with spike and spike points of railway highway. We say that the spike is mainly refers to the road of the spike. Also known as protuberant landmarks

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