Ok, I recent rebuilt a set of vortec heads, but the valves I got are a bit longer than stock, I believe .1 competition products pn I2552P. I also installed howards cam 98214 springs with 10° locks and retainers, the locks are +.035. I was just wondering if I would have enough spring pressure.
These should be OK. Make sure you measure for a set of custom push rods for this setup. Also measure for valve to piston clearance with all of the aftermarket parts installed before you button it all up for the final time. Also check for coil bind. It would really really suck to bend all of the valves and push rods the first time you fire it up.
I would be worried more about your geometry right now than spring pressure. Your saying the valves are .1 longer? Thats quite a bit.
You need to measure your installed height. No guessing here at all. Measure to be sure. If you don't have a valve spring micometer, you can use a std dail caliper's outside jaws. Remove spring, put retainer on, put 2 locks in, and pull up on retainer till it seats in lock groove. Now measure from spring seat on heads to bottom of retainer.. If you have to then you can measure to top of retainer and then measure thickness of retainer and take that off of your total. You have to know the installed height to figure spring pressure change. The 98214 springs has a rate of 411.. That 411 # per 1 inch and rated installed height is 1.700 So you take the amount of change from the 1.700 and X it by the rate of 411 and that's your total pressure change.. Then take or add that to your rated pressure (which is 115 #) and that gives you your new spring pressure So lets just say installed height is now 1.750 So .050 x 411 = 20.55 #, 115 - 20.55 = 94.45 # total seat pressure Now you need to list the cam your running, diff lift needs diff amount of spring pressure ***EDIT*** Thats a .465 lift cam. If your not winging RPMs past 5,000 then you can get away with a 80 # seat pressure spring, 6K rpm you would need about 5-8 # more seat pressure