My daughter is almost 9 years old and does not know how to ride a bike yet. I really want to go shopping for bikes this weekend and teach her to ride by summer. The problems? She lacks confidence when it comes to physically demanding activities. And she is over the 50lb weight limit of training wheels at the store. So #1, where do you find training wheels for big kids? I would prefer something with a 100lb weight limit so that I can assure her they are plenty strong.And #2, do you even think training wheels are necessary? I learned without them, but are they very useful for the average kid?
leave it alone and it will still get you home. maybe stiffen the suspension for race conditions.
they are not necessary.i taught my 5 yrs old daughter with out these wheels in 4/5 days.
I don't think they are necessary and I think she will be teased using training wheels at 9 years old. I would buy her a proper sized biketake her somewhere with lots of open paved room and teach her how to ride the bike. Warn her it will take time and try to prevent her from becoming frustrated. You and her can spend a great morning together and she will learn how to ride a bike.