I hear them talking about Fairy Lights on allot of the British Shows we watch. What are they?
Christmas lights (also sometimes called fairy lights, twinkle lights or holiday lights in the United States) are strands of electric lights used to decorate homes, public/commercial buildings and Christmas trees during the Christmas season. Christmas lights come in a dazzling array of configurations and colors. The small midget bulbs commonly known as fairy lights are also called Italian lights in some parts of the U.S., such as Chicago. Fairy Lights are also the trademarked name of a frosted, open top candle holder often made of Burmese Glass in the late 19th Century. Isn't it curious how we both speak English yet we don't understand each other? What we call angels, they call fairies. What we call flash lights, they call torches. Common people separated by the same language.
This Site Might Help You. RE: What are Fairy Lights? I hear them talking about Fairy Lights on allot of the British Shows we watch. What are they?
fairy lights are christmas lights often times. Twinkle lights, small sized and often only in white. In nature the are the fireflies that light up at dusk.
There is a great shop called dunelm mill just by the savacentre on the way to reading which has some funky ones like roses with fairy lights in and feathers e.t.c