I need a few energy efficient invetions for a science project and I'm stuck! An example (the only thing I can think of) of one is a fluerescent (sp?) lightbulb. Thanks!
It was a new atmosphere for him, he was acting up because he was excited. No, I wouldn't use a stud chain here, it could very easily make him worse. Use your rope halter and preferably a 12-foot lead rope so you can maintain a safe distance if he gets jumpy. It's just going to take a lot of exposure to the outside world before he learns to relax in it, and longer before he will be a dependable trail horse. He is also young and that adds to the excitement factor. If there is a large enough space to the side of the road, try longeing him a little bit if you can do it safely. This will give him an outlet for his energy while also keeping you safe. When he begins to relax on the longe, go back to a bit of walking. Take it slow and just make a short walk part of your routine. The reason he was fine back in the yard was because it was familiar territory. This is all new to him, he just needs time to get accustomed to it. Good luck!
Increasing the planet's albedo by deploying light color or reflective material on the surface could help keep the atmosphere cool. The amount would be large and would have to be put in place after the atmosphere had been modified already, since Venus's surface is currently completely shrouded by clouds. An advantage of atmospheric and surface cooling solutions is that they take advantage of existing technology. A disadvantage is that Venus already has highly reflective clouds (giving it an albedo of 0.65), so any approach would have to significantly surpass this to make a difference.