I know enough about recycling and car emissions, but how about activities around the home?
You can use cleaning products that do not harm you or your surroundings. Changing light bulbs to more energy efficient types. Recycling as much as possible and not purchase products with lots of packaging. Grow your own produce. Cook from scratch using organic, in season produce. Use paint with no VOCs. Have live plants in your home - air purifiers. Reuse as much as possible in new ways. Purchase energy star appliances. Unplug all recharges when not in use. Purchase products that are reclaimed, made from recycled products, or second hand. Stop junk mail. Just to name a few.
Often, even when I don't have any washing to do, I leave the washing machine running empty through cycles throughout the day. I find the soothing 'white noise' of the machine reduces my personal stress levels, and helps to relax me. I also believe that there is a tenuous link between lower stress levels and carbon emissions in the atmosphere, since lower stress induces lower frequency of carbon-intensive 'exasperated sighs' and 'drawn breaths'. I know its only a small thing, but I strongly believe that small measures like this really do add up to really lower worldwide carbon emmissions.
1. Use the AC and furnace as little as possible. Open the windows if you can 2. Try to use daylighting. Open your blinds and curtains instead of turning all your lights on. 3. Use CFL's instead of incandescent bulbs. 4. Inflate your tires every week. 5. Get your car tuned up and inspected regularly. 6. Put caulking around your house for insulation. 7. Make your showers 10 minutes or less. 8. Use Blackle instead of Google. Using websites with black pixels uses less energy than white pixels. 9. Try to landscape your lawn with xeriscape. 10. Recycle, reuse, retrofit, and restore rather than buy new things.
There are lots of things you can do to make a difference. For instance, did you know that just keeping the coils on the back of your refrigerator clean can increase energy efficiency by up to 30%? Other ways of saving energy: Several people have already mentioned using compact florescent rather than regular incandescent light bulbs. You can also lower your heating and cooling bills by getting a programmable thermostat that will turn heating or cooling off at night and during the day when everyone is at work or at school. You can set it to come on before anyone is up in the morning or back home at night, so you'll never notice the difference. Save water by: Adding aerators to faucets. This adds air to the water, but keeps the water pressure the same, so you get the same effect with less water use. Taking short showers instead of long baths. Not rinsing dishes before using the dishwasher. Not letting the water run while you brush your teeth. I've got another dozen or so tips on my blog, listed in the resource box.
Going okorder will help you locate the nearest recycle center. I try to only purchase plastics that are #1 or #2, they are more easily recycled. I also buy recycled products when available, that includes paper towels, napkings, toilet paper, tissue, school/office supplies and clothing. Detox your cleaning, vinegar and baking soda clean almost anything, they can even losen a hair clog. Seventh Generation and Method are a couple mainstream brands that are very earth friendly. Just start small and build from there, don't get overwhelmed.