About 10 years ago, my doc prescribed Lipitor to lower my cholesterolIt didn't workThe only change it made was in my health insurance ratingNow that I have Lipitor on my medical history, many health insurance companies will either deny me coverage or rate the policy so high that I can't afford the darned coverage.
O T C,well, you can add oat meal in your breakfast.The soluble fiber part of it reduces overall cholesterol levels.It reduces the bad cholesterol ie.H.D.L.(High density lipo proteins)and increases the good cholestroli.e.L.D.L.(Low density lipo proteins),in the process it might be reducing triglyceride levels alsoGarlic is a known natural agent for reduction of cholesterol.Increase it's quantity in your home meals.However,perhaps the best known and most used agent now a days are the statin group of medicines like Simvastatin,Rosuvastatin calcium etc.They come in different strengths like 5,10,20,40mg.For long term therapy it is best to take Simvastatin-10,one tab.a day.It is also cardio protective and should be taken by diabetics and hypertensives for extra benefits like protection against stroke also.It is best to consult your doctor to decide upon the right dosage.