What are the causes of pipe blockage in concrete pump?
When the fine sand content through the 0.315mm screen is small, even if other concrete technical specifications meet the requirements, it will plug the pipe. Because these fine sand plays a similar role in the concrete, it can reduce the friction between the tube wall and concrete, improve the fluidity, increase the cohesion and water retention, and greatly affect the concrete pumping performance
The concrete mixture ratio of adverse pressure gradient in the relatively large, water will be through the aggregate gap penetration, the aggregate coalescence caused by plugging occurred in the pipeline, and the pipeline bending diameter hose is arranged in the middle; in addition, concrete water cement ratio is too large to cause the separation of mortar and aggregate segregation, and plugging
In theory, plugging is most likely to occur when 3 large stones meet at the same cross section. When the section is occupied by pebbles, the circulation area is very small
Therefore, in the JGJ/T10-95 "concrete pumping construction technical regulations," stipulated that the sand through the 0.315mm sieve shall not be less than 15%.