What are the characteristics, classifications and applications of mineral materials?
A fuel mineral is a mineral that uses thermal energy to extract and utilize heat energy, such as coal, which is obtained by burning energy.Obviously, in the traditional sense, by means of metal minerals and fossil fuels is to change the chemical structure of the original minerals to achieve the purpose, that is by changing the microstructure of the mineral itself, to realize the value of mineral and non-metallic minerals; is to use the physical properties of its macrostructure, microstructure most of the minerals do not change. Then, according to the definition of mineral materials, mineral materials are very similar and non metallic minerals used at present, but it contains metallic minerals and mineral fuel, that is to say, as long as it is not currently used metallic minerals or destruction of the original fuel mineral microstructure, and retain its macroscopic physical properties and the use of technology then, this metal mineral or mineral fuels also belong to mineral materials, such as hematite can be directly used as the iron oxide red, hematite is a mineral material. Therefore, the category of mineral materials is larger than that of the current non-metallic minerals, and can not be treated in an equivalent manner. In a broad sense, mineral materials contain all kinds of minerals in nature, including metallic minerals, nonmetallic minerals and fuel minerals.
Materials are divided into metal materials, organic materials, inorganic non-metallic materials and composite materials. The minerals are divided into three categories: metallic minerals, non metallic minerals and fuel minerals.A metal mineral is a mineral that uses smelting to extract its metal elements for final use, such as aluminum minerals, which are extracted and used in the smelting process.Most non-metallic minerals are minerals that directly utilize the inherent physical and chemical properties of their natural mineral materials, such as kaolin and quartz. These are minerals directly used for material applications.
Mineral materials refers to the natural minerals (mainly non-metallic minerals or rocks) as the main raw material processing, transformation of the obtained material or products can be directly used as materials, and to use the main physical and chemical properties of its own mineral or rock to the. This definition includes the following four aspects: first, can be used directly or after simple processing, natural minerals and rocks can be used; in second, non-metallic minerals, natural rock as the main raw material, made by physical and chemical reaction of the finished products or semi-finished materials; third, synthetic the minerals or rocks; Fourth, the direct use of these materials is the main target of its physical or chemical properties, but not limited to individual chemical elements in them.