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What are the essential differences between these two USB data cables?

I am purchasing a nokia6682 cell phone. I need a datacable to transfer the TALKS program from my computer onto the phone. There are two data cables that work with the nokia6682. I can't find out what the difference is between them. they are:ca-53 USB data cable for nokia 6682 with CD.OEM USB data cable BKU-BKU2 for nokia6682 The OEM is more expensive, but does not have a CD with it.Help is appreciated!!!


OEM means Original Equipment Manufacturer, which means it came from Nokia. They are probably both functionally identical.
Well, the first one could be an after-market ripoff brand. Thats why its cheaper. I would suggest to stay away from it. A verizon guy told me (and he didnt say this so he would get a sale): when buying cables off of OKorder, get the official OEMs, not the cheap ones, because they can introduce current into the phone. Are the contents of the CD (most likely usb drivers for your phone) available on the internet? Google it and see. Good luck!
Looks okorder

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