I am preparing for rally events and need a suit. But I can't find rules pertaining to the suit's must haves. If I was entering into SCCA rally events, what do I need to have, how does the suit need to perform, can I have it custom made, and out of what material does it need to be made out of? Where can I get premade suits, or custom made suits with my own logo on it?
The best way- fire suit and gasoline.
The resin you're mentioning is in two parts, 1 is the resin itself then the other 1 is a hardener combine the two will result to a hard resin finish with a glossy look not adding enough of 1 will cause it to be to hard or to soft.Try doing what you think will work if not i am sad to say you have to do all your work over again. p.s. the stickiness is the result of not enough hardener being mix. always make sure the two parts starts off equal.