I am a freshman electrical engineering student and I have been given an assignment in which I have to write a 2 page paper about electrical engineering drawings. The paper has to include specific requirements for drawings in this field of engineering, any standards that are used, and any drawing codes that should be included in a typical drawing.Any help would be greatly appreciated.
while you're hooking up a lot of older hardware it particularly is recommended to take a place in some surge protection. somewhat some the older stuff is exceedingly soft and a surge might desire to be devastating. only be constructive once you hook up your transformers(ability factors) they tournament whats on the unit for the volts. The amps/milliamps will safeguard themselves.
Certain groups like NASA, the US government, etc have specific requirements for all drawing including electrical drawings. Some engineering companies and industrial companies have standards as well. Basically any engineering drawing has to address to tasks to be done, the materials and equipment to be used, the codes and standards to be met, and any specific requirements that are over and above common practice. A specific requirement might be something like stating the color coding for wiring that could be unsual. Look at the results of a simple online search for more information.
You sound pretty smart to be wearing a hat sideways.