Someone has to touch him, even tased and all, but he wont stay still. What do you do?And he is literally caked in this sheeeetz so every movement turds and particles contamination what?
I play Lock/ Second Row for my A Grade side.. i am 175cm and 83kg But I have been playing lock since I was a youngen and I have never been big it's all bout defense in lock so get that up to scratch and you will be fine!
Yes, wearing protective eye wear is always a good Idea when using any power equipment. I use a pair of protective sun glasses.
It sounds like they violated your rights but when you go to court they can make up a laundry list of lies to justify firing you. So, I would just try to get unemployment and forget the law suit. You are better off without them and you can get a better job some day. When one door closes another opens. So, never take a firing as a negative thing. It sometimes is the best thing for you because it gets you to the next chapter in your life.